Quotes to Motivate You to Lose Weight

- If you believe that weight loss requires starving, fasting, medicines, supplements, gym, and self-deprivation, I’m going to teach you otherwise. - Sanjeev Kumar

- I love to travel light - Be it my baggage or my body baggage. - Sanjeev Kumar

- Give up the Junk, Belly won’t become a Trunk. - Sanjeev Kumar

- I’m allergic to junk food. Every time I eat it, it goes south. - Sanjeev Kumar

- “You Cannot Change your Destination Overnight, but you Can Change your Direction Overnight.” – Jim Rohn

- Your Body. Your Life.
(SK Weight Loss program is just a medium to bring you closer to a better version of you.)

- Do or Do Not, There is No Try!

- Take Charge, Don’t be LARGE.

- Change is Not Change until I Change.

- Food, like your money, should be working for you.

- Be Stronger than Your Excuse.

- A Goal Without a Plan is Just a Wish.

- Believe in Yourself. Change Forever.

- Don’t Wait to Lose Weight.

- Successful Weight Loss takes Programming.

- The only difference between “Try” and “Triumph” is a little “Umph”.

- Eat Right, and the Pants Won’t be Tight.

- Eat Wise. Drop a Size.

- Stop Wishing to lose weight; Take Action to change your fate.

- Tomorrow’s Wish: Should Have Started Today.

- You have to eat right for the fat to take flight.

- Your mind will quit 100 times before your body ever does.

- You are what you eat from your head down to your feet.

- If You Are Tired Of Starting Over, Stop Giving Up.

- It’s Not a Diet, It’s a Lifestyle Change.

- If you hang your swimsuit on the refrigerator door, the goodies inside will be easier to ignore.

- You Can’t Cross The Sea Merely By Standing And Staring At The Water.

- Nothing Tastes As Good As Being Thin Feels.

- Success is the Sum of Small Efforts, Repeated Day In and Day Out.

- If you bite it, write it!

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